Batman Arkham Knight Game Review

Batman Arkham Knight is an action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Brothers, coming out on PS4, Xbox One and PC in June 2015. The game is run using the Unreal Engine 3. The PC release of Arkham Knight brought plenty of controversy and issues. The technical issues on the PC release almost forced Warner Brothers to suspend sales on the game in order for them to address the issues people were having. The game was re-released on Steam in October 2015 after a few patches in order to solve the technical issues. Sadly people still reported problems with the game forcing Warner Brothers to offer full refunds on the game regardless of whether you met the regular criteria or not. To this day, the developers are still working on technical issues which people are having. Before I start my review, I would like to point out that I played this game on a mechanical hard drive, with one nVidia 970, playing at 1080p with graphics turned on and...